Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Morning Madness and The Art Of Reading the Paper

Funny Stuff!
   Most Sunday mornings are a mess in our house. One kid has to be at Catechism by 8:45 am the other at 10:15 and mass starts at 10:30. In the meantime I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to shower, get the kids ready, pack the "quiet" bag, remember the envelope for offering, etc. Organized people that are reading this will think, why not get it all together the night before? I do sometimes but more often then not we are busy all day Saturday and Saturday nights are the one night a week where we can just hang out as a family and chillax. So usually I am on the couch with the kids, hubby and a bowl of popcorn! Pulling myself away to lay outfits out  is out of the question! Then the alarm goes off and the chaos hits. If we get a bite of toast and a bowl of cereal in each kids mouth before we leave its amazing, yet alone the adults getting fed. Several times Dewey has attempted taking an actual mug of coffee and drinking it en route to church.... FAIL! Why is this an epic fail you may ask... running late, slamming the breaks, whipping the car around corners and into a parking lot is possibly the worst situation ever for an open cup of coffee. Don't get me started on how I have perfected the art of applying makeup in the car. I will do an entire separate blog entry on Mom Makeup On The Go! Bottom line, Sunday mornings are hectic!

The kids discovering the Comics!
   Obviously we have gotten away from relaxing on weekends in general and Sundays (though being a day of rest) are no exception. Parents with small children going to church everywhere can I get an AMEN!!! However, if you are living pretty much anywhere other then the West coast or Florida you  are probably like me and have been snowed in! Church was even canceled today which was definitely a disappointment for my soul but a relief for my sanity LOL! With my Sunday being free I did something that I haven't done in years, read the newspaper! Ok... I read parts of the newspaper not the whole thing!!! When I was little I couldn't wait to get up and read the Comics (or the funnies as we called them). Honestly, I don't even think my kids knew what they were? Between there DS's, iPads, Disney Channel, Netflix what child needs to read the paper for entertainment? But as I read For Better of For Worse and The Family Circus while enjoying (that's right enjoying not scarfing down) a hot cup of coffee, I really felt like this was a lost activity in most homes. Personally my information comes from Yahoo News, I barelyyyyyyy watch the actual news and I never read the paper. Boy have I been missing out! Reading the actual paper to get informed was relaxing and catching up on those classic comics was FUN! There is something about your fingertips brushing against the newspaper and its inky smell that is so calming. So next time you have a Sunday morning free whether its during your vacation to the beach or because you went to church on Saturday night, grab a paper and a hot cup of Joe for an old fashioned (yes newspapers are a bit old fashioned with this digital age) moment of Sunday relaxation!

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