Sunday, February 2, 2014

8 Things I'd Rather Be Doing Tonight Instead of Watching The Super Bowl

   I expect there will be very few people excited to read this, however, I can not help myself, I must express my disinterest for The Super Bowl. I mean sure the half time show is usually great, but I can catch that tomorrow on YouTube. The commercials can be equally as entertaining but watching a game solely for the commercials seems like a complete waste of time. Not too mention that I got on the scale at the doctors office yesterday and there is nooooooooooooo way that I need to attend a party and snack, snack, snack! So while there are parties to be attended and queso to be eaten, I will be at home watching Downton Abbey drinking my Herbalife shake!
Just say NO to Queso!
Although if I could, I would do any one of the following things instead as well;

1. Get a pedicure, manicure, haircut, eyebrow wax, I'd even get a colon cleanse instead!

2. Go to the movies... by myself. Actually I did this 2 years ago on Super Bowl Sunday, I went to the theater and was surprised how many other patrons were there during the biggest game of the year. 

3. Grocery shop. Including but not limiting too purchasing embarrassing items like tampons, Preperation H, prune juice and size DD bras that pretty much cover the entire conveyer belt at Wal-Mart.

4. Clean my house and I mean deep clean, move the stove, under the couch cushion, the kids bathroom toilet that seriously has a daily crust of urine around the base!

5. Go on vacation, now according to my Dad, vacation means to vacate your mind. So not necessarily getting on a plane to Florida (although I wish I was) but reading a book, blogging, heck even playing Candy Crush or Kingdoms of Camalot!!!

6. Doing laundry and that includes pre-treating the skidded up tighty whities in this house!

7. Clean out and cut my husbands toenails and yes I do this on a regular basis for him... wife of the year right here!!!
I need to order Dewey one of these!

8. Last but not least, I would honestly rather sit on the "It's a Small World After All" ride at Disney over and over and over and over and over again, till the song is so embedded in my head that I want to gauge my ears out!


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