Thursday, February 20, 2014


   Wednesday morning I woke up in a funk. Its been a rough week so far and I just did not want to get out of bed. In fact if I didn't have to get up to put Gabby on the bus, feed the baby and take Colton to school then I would have buried my head under the covers and hibernated for the day. So reluctantly, I packed the lunches and diaper bag, bundled up the family and headed out for the day. Then something happened, it was A MIRACLE. As I stepped into the cold abyss of winter, I felt something I had not felt in a long time, warmth. I mean we're not talking Orlando sun baking on my face or anything crazy like that, but there were little flecks of golden light skimming over my cheeks. Honestly, I wanted to get a lawn chair and make my way through the slush to the back deck, slather on some sunscreen and pretend it was summer. So maybe it was only 42 degrees out and not 82, but a girl can dream can't she!

   As I continued my day running errands around Toledo, feeling the rays beating through my car windows, I felt another strange sensation. Something was happening in the armpit region of my body. Through my winter layers I could sense sweat dripping. Could it be I was perspiring from an over abundance of cold weather wear? So naturally I stripped off my coat, my gloves and scarf while silently chanting, "free at last, free at last, free at last"! I rested my sickly, pale, pasty arm on the side of the car and ravished in the sun baking down on it. As I continued to drive and look out onto the roads and fields, a giant smirk appeared on my face. Goodbye snow, goodbye winter, if I don't see you again till December 2014, I'm OK with that. My mood had been lifted and I was actually starting to feel great. Months of being cooped up and snowed in had taken a toll, but now today was just the break I needed.

   Suddenly a song came on the radio, a perfect sum of my emotions at the time. Pharrell Williams, "Happy" started playing and I couldn't stop smiling! Not only could I not stop smiling, but I couldn't stop snapping my fingers to it either. So as I was stopped at a stop light doing "The Carleton" in the drivers seat, I noticed the guy next to my car laughing. This wasn't going to stop me, I was on a sunshine high and car dancing to my new jam. Plus this is why I love living in Ohio. It's been a rough winter and tomorrow its going to thunderstorm in February, but when those beautiful, perfect weather days hit us, they are appreciated. We can realize just exactly how treasured those days should be. Below is a link to, "Happy", listen to it, dance in your office, smile and remember that the sun will come out tomorrow... or in another month... but at least we will know how blessed we are when it comes!!!

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